Long time reader, first time blogger

When this journey began this past Spring, I had zero intent on blogging about it. It hadn’t even crossed my mind. During the packing phase, both a close friend and my sister-in-law had suggested I blog about our travels. But I knew that this decision was extremely personal and there were so many varying reasons and causes for this move that I didn’t think I could possibly explain them all or want to or feel the need to. And then there’s the whole privacy thing…. So I dismissed the idea. Obviously I’ve had a change of heart. I think there’s a chance that sharing stories of our adventures here could be a positive thing for both myself and those who choose to read them. Writing about our year could be a good creative outlet for me while also serving as a journal of sorts for our family. Could this blog inspire others , who have contemplated taking a similar risk, to take the plunge? Will my writings be able to serve as a “how to” for others considering a short or long term move like this? Maybe by  exposing the joys AND the pains of making such a change, a reader will decide that moving to a tropical island is not all its cracked up to be? Or maybe we’ll soon have new familiar neighbors this year! Perhaps though, it will just be fun to read. I hope my friends will enjoy following along as our story unravels this year.

Moving here has, so far, been the most daring thing I have done since becoming a mom. Writing this blog and exposing myself and my family in this way might possibly be even scarier! I thank you for reading my blog, for your mercy in judging my literary skills, and for supporting us in this crazy journey.

Happy kids. This is at our local beach only a kilometer down the road. Not pictured: happy husband and happy me 🙂



3 thoughts on “Long time reader, first time blogger

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  • Steff

    So happy that you have jumped into this new journey. As one who has often just decided it is time to start a new life I️ think you all will do well. And plus Jersey isn’t all that great. Except for Dunkin Donuts. 🙂

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